Las Vegas DUI Attorney
In a 24 hour adult playground with endless free drinks, it’s easy to understand why there are so many DUI’s. Too many people who are facing charges of driving under the influence (DUI) in Nevada do not contact a criminal defense lawyer regarding their case. Some individuals may believe that they have no option but to simply plead guilty while others may believe that DUI is not a severe enough offense to require the services of a criminal defense lawyer. However, failing to have qualified representation can often lead to significantly greater consequences than if you had a skilled lawyer handling your case.
Penalties can be greater
The penalties that can result from a DUI conviction can have lasting effects on many aspects of your life. DUI Attorney Ryan Alexander understands how to effectively defend against DUI charges. Ryan will explore every possible way to limit or eliminate the consequences you face. We have extensive experience successfully handling DUI cases, so please call our Las Vegas DUI Law Firm today if you have been arrested for DUI.
Consequences of a Nevada DUI
Many different penalties can stem from a drunk driving or driving under the influence case. Nevada has some tough DUI laws that are based around accountability. Some of the most common consequences can include the following:
- Suspension of your Nevada driver’s license
- Time spent in jail
- Costly fines
- Probation
- Having an ignition interlock device installed on your vehicle
- Community service
- Alcohol awareness classes
- Substance abuse evaluation or treatment
If you have a prior DUI conviction on your record, the possible penalties you face will only increase with each subsequent offense. In addition, a DUI conviction on your driving record can result in the loss of your job or disqualification from future positions that require a clean driving record. Whether this is your first DUI or you have had prior convictions, we can help to limit the penalties associated with your DUI case in many ways.
Defenses Against DUI in Nevada
Many people charged with DUI believe that they will automatically be found guilty, especially if a breath or blood test showed their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was over the legal limit of 0.08 percent. However, our experienced DUI defense lawyers know there are many ways to challenge the allegations against you and even challenge the results of a chemical test. Some common defenses in a DUI case can include:
- The breathalyzer device was not properly calibrated or the officer did not administer the test correctly;
- A forensic lab mishandled a blood sample;
- The traffic stop was in violation of your constitutional rights;
- There are inconsistencies or improbabilities in the police report or the officer’s recollection of the arrest;
- There is another explanation why you may have shown signs that were mistaken for impairment.
We will thoroughly investigate your case to identify every possible legal defense that is relevant in your case.